Braniewo / Braunsberg , 1635 / XiXth cent.

4500 PLN

In upper left corner , coat-of-arms of Sweden and title:

Vera Delineatio Veteris Civitatis Braunsbergk Epatus Varmien in Pru∫sia Metropolis.
pro ut A.D. 1635 nomine Regis Regniq3 Suecie, ipsam Gnebernante Nobili ac Strenuo Colonello ac Do Andrea Koβkull in odenƒors ve munitionib9 ac propugnaculis adornata.

Under the smiplified compass publisher's and engraver's notes:
Paul Stertzell Excude:   | Condradt Götke ∫culpsit

First edition of Paul Stertzell's plan of Braunsberg was in 1635, this is later state, from the XIXth century.
Copperplate engraving, framed, size of the image 30,2 x 60,5  cm.
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